Understanding Essential Git Tools: git bisect, git blame, and git rerere

Git is a powerful version control system that helps manage changes in your codebase. Among its many features, git bisect, git blame, and git rerere stand out for their utility in debugging, tracking changes, and handling conflicts. In this blog, we'll explore these commands in detail, including real-life use cases and step-by-step examples.

1. Git Bisect: Finding the Faulty Commit


Imagine a scenario where a new bug appears in your application, but you’re unsure which recent commit introduced it. Identifying the problematic commit among many can be time-consuming.


git bisect helps you find the specific commit that introduced a bug by performing a binary search through your commit history.

Real-Life Use Case:

You’re working on a large project and notice that a feature which was working previously is now broken. You need to identify the commit that introduced this regression.


  1. Start Bisecting: Begin a bisect session:

     git bisect start
  2. Mark the Bad Commit: Indicate the current commit (where the bug is present) as bad:

     git bisect bad
  3. Mark a Known Good Commit: Specify a commit where the feature was working correctly:

     git bisect good <commit-hash>
  4. Test Intermediate Commits: Git will check out a commit roughly in the middle of the range. Test this commit to see if the bug is present. Based on your testing:

    • If the bug is present, mark the commit as bad:

        git bisect bad
    • If the bug is not present, mark it as good:

        git bisect good
  5. Repeat: Continue testing and marking commits until Git identifies the specific commit that introduced the bug.

  6. End Bisect Session: Once you find the problematic commit, end the bisect session:

     git bisect reset


You find a bug in version 2.0 of your application but aren't sure when it was introduced. By using git bisect, you narrow down the commit history and discover that a change made in commit a1b2c3d4 introduced the bug.

Official doc: git-bisect

2. Git Blame: Tracking Line-Level Changes


You need to understand why a particular line of code was modified or who made the change, especially when debugging or reviewing code.


git blame provides detailed information about the last commit that modified each line of a file, helping you trace changes and understand their context.

Real-Life Use Case:

During a code review, you notice a critical line of code that seems to be causing issues. You want to find out who last modified that line to discuss the change.


  1. Rungit blame: Annotate each line of the file to see who last modified it:

     git blame <file>
  2. Examine the Output: The output will show each line with the commit hash, author, and date of the last modification:

     a1b2c3d4 (John Doe 2024-07-01 10:00:00 +0000) line of code
  3. Blame a Specific Commit: If you need to see the file as it was at a specific commit:

     git blame <commit-hash> -- <file>
  4. Ignore Whitespace: To ignore whitespace changes, which might be irrelevant for your investigation:

     git blame -w <file>
  5. Show a Range of Lines: If you’re interested in a specific range of lines:

     git blame -L <start>,<end> <file>


You find an issue with a function introduced in a recent update. Using git blame, you discover that the problematic code was last modified by Jane Smith in commit e5f6g7h8 on 2024-07-02. You can now reach out to Jane for more context.

Official doc: git-blame

3. Git Rerere: Reusing Resolutions for Repeated Conflicts


Repeatedly resolving the same merge conflicts can be tedious and prone to errors, especially in large projects with frequent merges.


git rerere automates the resolution of recurring merge conflicts by remembering and reapplying previously recorded resolutions.

Real-Life Use Case:

You often encounter the same merge conflict in different branches while integrating changes from a shared feature branch. git rerere can automate the resolution process, saving time and ensuring consistency.


  1. Enablegit rerere: Activate the feature to start recording conflict resolutions:

     git config --global rerere.enabled true
  2. Resolve a Conflict: When you encounter and resolve a conflict manually, git rerere will record the resolution.

  3. Automatic Application: If the same conflict occurs again in future merges or rebases, git rerere will automatically apply the recorded resolution.

  4. Manage Resolutions:

    • View Recorded Resolutions:

        ls .git/rr-cache
    • Forget Recorded Resolutions:

        git rerere forget <pathspec>


During a series of feature merges, you consistently encounter the same conflict in config.txt. With git rerere, after resolving it once, the tool automatically applies the same resolution in subsequent merges, reducing manual effort and ensuring consistent conflict handling.

Official doc: git-rerere


git bisect, git blame, and git rerere are invaluable tools for managing and understanding changes in your codebase. Whether you’re debugging issues, tracking line-level changes, or dealing with repetitive conflicts, these commands enhance your efficiency and accuracy. By incorporating these tools into your workflow, you can streamline your development process and improve code quality.

Feel free to experiment with these commands and leverage their capabilities to optimize your Git practices!