Port Knocking

Port Knocking


What is Port Knocking?

Port knocking is a method used in network security to dynamically open ports on a firewall by generating a connection attempt on a set of predefined closed ports. This technique is primarily used to hide services from port scans and unauthorized access attempts.

How Port Knocking Works

Basic Mechanism

Port knocking works by requiring a user to "knock" on a series of ports in a specific sequence before gaining access to a service. When the correct sequence is detected by the server, it triggers a rule in the firewall to temporarily open the port for the user.

Components Involved

  • Client-side: The user sends packets to the server in a predefined sequence. This can be done using tools or scripts designed for port knocking.

  • Server-side: The server runs a port knocking daemon, which listens for the knock sequence and updates firewall rules accordingly.

Benefits of Port Knocking

Enhanced Security

By hiding open ports from port scanners, port knocking can significantly enhance the security of a network.

Access Control

Only users who know the correct knock sequence can access the protected services, adding an extra layer of access control.

Reducing Attack Surface

Minimizing the number of exposed ports reduces the potential attack surface for malicious actors.


Setting Up Port Knocking

Tools like knockd are commonly used to implement port knocking. Below is a basic example of a knockd configuration:

        logfile = /var/log/knockd.log

        sequence      = 7000,8000,9000
        seq_timeout   = 5
        command       = /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -s %IP% -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
        tcpflags      = syn

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Install knockd: sudo apt-get install knockd

  2. Configure knockd: Edit the configuration file (usually located at /etc/knockd.conf).

  3. Start knockd: sudo systemctl start knockd

Client Configuration

To send the knock sequence from the client, you can use tools like knock:

knock server_ip 7000 8000 9000

Real-World Use Cases

Port knocking can be useful in various scenarios, such as securing remote SSH access or hiding administrative interfaces of web applications.

Drawbacks and Limitations


Setting up and managing port knocking can be complex and may require careful planning and configuration.

Security Considerations

While port knocking adds a layer of security, it is not fool proof. Techniques like packet sniffing can potentially capture knock sequences. Implementing additional measures like encrypted sequences can mitigate these risks.

Local Setup

Check it out here: GitHub Repo - Port Knocking


Port knocking is a valuable tool in the arsenal of network security techniques. By understanding its mechanisms, benefits, and potential drawbacks, administrators can better secure their networks.